Control Data Generation APIs

Once data generation has been launched, another set of APIs are helpful to follow the data generation process.

All APIs for data generation control are in /command path and ask for a POST.

Follow up a command to generate data

To get the status of the command launched and basic information, use endpoint /command/getCommandStatus with parameter the command UUID (received earlier).


curl -X POST "" -H  "accept: */*"

Answer is the JSON self-describing:

{ "commandUuid": "5c5b0dfb-a1f2-4e95-b76e-750e8d07aa92" , "status": "FINISHED" , "comment": "" , "progress": "100.0" ,  "duration": "3ms" }

It is also possible to retrieve all configuration for a command and all related information by hitting: /command/get with commandUuid as a parameter.

Two other endpoints allows to retrieve more commands:

  • /command/getAll : No parameters, retrieves all commands (even finished commands)
  • /command/getByStatus : One parameter status= that must equals: QUEUED, STARTING, RUNNING, FINISHED, FAILED. It will return all commands matching this status.