

Datagen is a standalone program coded in Java 17 compiled with maven 3.6, using SpringBoot & Vaadin frameworks.


Datagen exposes a webUI and a set of APIs (with a swagger) to let a user generates data easily.


Datagen is able to:

  • Push Data to multiple systems (HDFS, S3, ADLS, GCS, Kafka, Hive, HBase etc…)
  • Handle multiple formats (Avro, Parquet, ORC, JSON, CSV)
  • Generate structured data of different types (string, integer, timestamp, uuid etc…)
  • Provide pre-defined data filterable (countries, 40K+ cities, 35K+ names, phone pattern etc… )
  • Make data respecting rules (min, max, repartition, pattern, regex etc…)
  • Add relations between data generated (one column value depends on other’s values with possible complex evaluation)
  • Generate unstructured data leveraging AI (OpenAI, Bedrock, Ollama, and even any model locally embedded)
  • Schedule generation of data
  • Analyze existing data to mimic it (currently in alpha version)

What Data to Generate ?


To know what kind of data to generate, Datagen use what is called a model.

A model is under the hood a simple JSON file that:

  • Shapes how the data looks like
  • Describes in what tables/files/queues it should be generated
  • Adds specific options to data generated such as primary keys, replication factors etc…

When using the UI, user interactively creates a model.

Once model saved, user can use it to generrate data according to its specification.

It can also be downloaded as a JSON file, modified (or not), and imported back (or to any other Datagen application).


Inside a Model, to shape how data is generated, a set of Columns are defined.

A Column is under the hood defined JSON format inside a model file with few parameters:

  • Name
  • Type of Data: String, Integer, Name, City, IP etc…
  • Conditions with Filters, Formulas, Conditions, Dependencies to other fields etc…

When using the UI, user interactively shapes the set of columns for its model.

Where to generate data ?


Datagen has a rich set of connectors to generate data directly into various services such as: HDFS, AWS S3, Hive etc…

To generate data in any services, Datagen must be configured to know how to interact with such service and where they are located.

All connectors are configured in the configuration file, before starting the program.

Note: If deployed with CDP, Datagen is automatically configured by Cloudera Manager

However, a model can hold also one or multiple connector’s configuration, providing information on where to push data.


Datagen uses a concept of Credentials where a user can register its credentials (and manage them): keytab, ADLS sas token, AWS S3 Access Key, GCP application credentials file, keystore.

They are safely stored and managed by Datagen.

Then, these credentials can be used when generating data to provide a way to authenticate to the service where it is pushing data to.

Or they can also be injected in the model (in a safe way, with a reference to a safely stored file), so model holds also authentication part.