Data Generation APIs

All APIs for data generation are in /datagen path and ask for a POST.

Each service has its own API endpoint named like: /datagen/servicename (ex: /datagen/hbase).

Two headers are required when interacting with them:

  • Content-Type: multipart/form-data
  • accept: /

Some parameters are available foreach API call but All parameters are optional ! and have default values.


All APIs calls for data generation have at least 5 parameters in common:

  • rows = Number of rows to generate at each batch of data generation
  • batches = Number of batches to launch (you will end up to have (rows x batches) total rows generated)
  • threads = To speed up generation, you can multi thread this (by default it is single-threaded), it is recommended to go on 10 threads.
  • model by specifiying either:
    • model_file = file path on the machine where a model is present (for example /opt/cloudera/parcels/DATAGEN/models/public_service/weather-model.json)
    • model = upload directly to the swagger your model file from your computer

There are also 2 other parameters that enables you to schedule a launch:

  • scheduled = true or false
  • delay_between_executions_seconds = The interval (in seconds) between two executions


An example of a curl command:

curl -X POST "" -H  "accept: */*" -H  "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "batches=1" -F "model_file=@example-model.json;type=application/json" -F "rows=1"

Batches and rows parameters are both set to 1 and a file example-model.json is uploaded to be the model.

Returned data

Once an API call has been made, Datagen parses the model (check for any errors), get configuration (merging default and provided ones), creates a Command Object and queue it for processing.

It returns almost instantly to the user a simple JSON object made of:

  • a UUID of the command created (useful to get later info on the command)
  • a string of error: empty if no error, and describing an error if there is one (for example if model file was not parseable because malformed)


{ "commandUuid": "5c5b0dfb-a1f2-4e95-b76e-750e8d07aa92" , "error": "" }

See next section to know how to follow a command.

Control Data Generation APIs

Once data generation has been launched, another set of APIs are helpful to follow the data generation process.

All APIs for data generation control are in /command path and ask for a POST.

Follow up a command to generate data

To get the status of the command launched and basic information, use endpoint /command/getCommandStatus with parameter the command UUID (received earlier).


curl -X POST "" -H  "accept: */*"

Answer is the JSON self-describing:

{ "commandUuid": "5c5b0dfb-a1f2-4e95-b76e-750e8d07aa92" , "status": "FINISHED" , "comment": "" , "progress": "100.0" ,  "duration": "3ms" }

It is also possible to retrieve all configuration for a command and all related information by hitting: /command/get with commandUuid as a parameter.

Two other endpoints allows to retrieve more commands:

  • /command/getAll : No parameters, retrieves all commands (even finished commands)
  • /command/getByStatus : One parameter status= that must equals: QUEUED, STARTING, RUNNING, FINISHED, FAILED. It will return all commands matching this status.