Compute Engine - VM Instance


In GCP > Compute Engine > VM Instances > Launch Instance and choose these settings:

  • Machine Configuration: E2 > e2-micro
  • Boot Disk: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)
  • Volume: Default of 10GB

Important: You must have ssh enabled to this machine, either through browser-ssh, gcloud, ssh with OS logins or metadata keys Important: You must have a firewall rules to allow connection from your IP as TCP to port 4242 and have it applied to the VM’s network, using network tags

Note: It is possible to use machines with better power (cpu/memory especially) Note: It is possible to use other OS, as long as Java 17 can be installed, this is just an example


Then ssh to it.

1. Install Java :

sudo apt-get install -y openjdk-17-jre

2. Download & extract Datagen:

 tar -xvzf datagen-standalone-files.tar.gz
 cd datagen_standalone-1.0.0/

3. Launch it:

./ \
  --min-mem=512M \
  --max-mem=1G \
  --log-dir=/tmp/datagen/ \


Access UI using: http as protocol, the full hostname of PUBLIC IP and port 4242 as an example:

Use admin/admin as user/password to connect and start to generate data:

Custom Configuration

Later to launch it in background process, add option: --launch-with-nohup=true, for example:

./ \
  --min-mem=512M \
  --max-mem=1G \
  --load-default-models=false \