EC-2: Based on AMI


This is one is using free-tier, hence free machines on AWS but with limited resources

In AWS > EC 2 > Launch Instance and choose these settings:

  • AMI: ami-0aa43892c0d0aa214
  • Size: t2.micro
  • Key Pair: Yours
  • Security Group: Allowing ssh from your IP
  • Volume: 30GB

Note: If you have no access to that AMI, please email

Important: Once launched, add in security groups the following port: 4242 as Custom TCP to your IP

Note: It is possible to use non-free-tier machines with better power (cpu/memory especially)


Then ssh to it (using its public name and ec2-user) and follow these steps:

sudo su - datagen
cd datagen_standalone-1.0.0/